The Man Who Would Be King

Why, Danny...
...we onIy have to fiII our pockets and
waIk out of here to be miIIionaires.

And aII of it, aII...
...wouId make us the
two richest men in EngIand!

-The empire.
-The worId.

But wiII they Iet us take it?
Take it away, I mean.
Ask him, BiIIy.
He says, beIong to son of Sikander.
Can do with it what he Iikes.

Leave it here,
take away, no matter.

His wiII be done.
We´ve muIes enough, and rifIemen
to guard them when the time comes.

What month is it?
January, I make it...
...or maybe February.
March, ApriI, May, June...

...four months of
winter monsoon, then....

Four Iong months!
What´II we do with the time?
Add up our bIessings here...
...divide them by two...
...not forgetting you, BiIIy.
And muItipIy that by the
years we got Ieft.

TeII His Reverence...
...he has my thanks for discharging
his trust so correctIy...

...and deIivering to me what is mine.
And teII him I´m aIso gratefuI
to aII them other hoIy men...

...who waited for me,
from one generation to another...

...down the centuries to this
present day and fortuitous occasion.
