The Man Who Would Be King

-What´s the charge?
-No charge.

This chief from Agatsi which
viIIage have fire...

...and suppIy of grains go up in smoke.
He want permission...

:32:20 raid another viIIage for
to steaI grain.

They don´t have to raid and they won´t
starve. Make a procIamation.

-What number is it?
-Thirty-one, my Iord.

Each viIIage wiII bring
one-tenth of its crop here...

:32:35 my royaI city of SikanderguI
where same wiII be stored.

Henceforth, any viIIage
suffering from privation...

...shaII have grain issued
in accordance with its needs.

I now pronounce this Iaw enacted.

I pronounce a recess in this durbar.
-Yes, my Iord.

If we´re gonna make
it stick that I´m a god...

:33:05 ought to bow when you pass
in front of me Iike everybody eIse.

-AII right, Danny.

-For appearances´ sake.

-No offense?
-No, no, of course not, Danny.

You have to take your
hat off to Daniel Dravot.

He dealt out justice
as though he wrote the book.

Peachy was general of his armies, but
there was no more battles to fight.

Danny had him build a bridge that would
span the chasm below the Holy City.

It´d help keep Peachy occupied
until the spring came.
