The Man Who Would Be King

When I´ve accompIished what I set out
to do, I´II stand before the queen...

...not kneeI, mind you, but stand
Iike an equaI and she´II say:

´´ PIease accept the Order of the Garter
as a mark of my esteem, cousin.´´

She´II pin it on me herseIf.
It´s big. I teII you, it´s big!

And I teII you, you need a physic!
I´m fair disappointed in you.
You, who foIIowed me and
heIped make me what I am.

FoIIowed you, me? Who had hoId
of the muIe´s taiI, teII me that?

The jenny aIso done her bit.
Danny! We´ve had this rare streak
of Iuck. Let´s quit winners for once.

-Cut and run whiIe the running´s good.
-You caII it Iuck. I caII it destiny.

Ha, ha! Pardon me
whiIe I faII down Iaughing.

Whatever you may think and however you
may feeI, I´m a king and you´re a subject!

So don´t you provoke me,
Peachy Carnehan!

Or you´II do what?
You´ve got me trembIing
in my boots here! What´II you do?

-You have permission to bugger off!
-I wiII, with or without your...

...bIeeding permission!
And may you rot in heII, DanieI Dravot!
From Sikander the First to the Second
was a Iong time between kings...

...and a country needs a king
Iike a king needs a crown.

One is the gIory of the other.
Therefore, I shaII Ieave a son behind
who wiII in turn beget other sons...

:38:46 the succession wiII be unbroken
and kings wiII be guaranteed forever.

To which end...
...I have chosen a wife.
Roxanne of Khawak.
