The Man Who Would Be King

We are not gods, exactly,
but we are heaven-sent...

:48:04 deliver you from your enemies.
Enemies all around.
The Bashkai are the worst.
All town comes out and pisses
downstream when we go bathing.

They are always stealing our womans.
Putting on masks.
And so our head chap
is thinking them devils...

-...and running like bloody hell away.
-War! Red war we'll give them.

He give you two goats for each
Bashkai man you're killing.

One goat for each womans and childs.
Rather than knock them over
one at a time...

...we'd like to do it
in one fell swoop.

Serve him up a proper victory.
Storm Bashkai, take the city.

He says, " How much?"
Only the honour of leading
the brave men of Er-Heb into battle.

And what we fancy in souvenirs.
-A bauble here and a bangle there.
-Bashkai is only the beginning.

We hope to go on from victory to
victory until he runs out of enemies.

And a monarch of all you survey.
-All he surveys?
-From the highest place in the valley.

The mountains will echo your name.
Ootah the Great!
