The Sunshine Boys

There's one no-show, Willy Clark.
You wanna wait?

No way. The man can't remember lines.
Drove me crazy last year
with the corn flakes.

My first choice would be the guy
with the Kraut accent.

He's here. He just got here.
He got held up in traffic. I told you.

Uncle Willy, in here.
Where were you? You're over an hour late!

I was on time. You sent me over
to a garage all the way on the West Side.

- Who told you to go to there?
- It's on the paper.

No, it isn't. It says East 43rd.
I didn't trust you.
You always make mistakes.

I've got three minutes left.
Do you wanna try this once?

- Who's this?
- This is Mr. Walsk. He's the director.

- Mr. Walsk, Willy Clark.
- How do you do? I'm Willy Clark.

We met. You auditioned for me last year.
I don't remember that.
When was that? Last year?

Yes, that was last year.
Mr. Clark, I am very short on time here.
I literally have about three minutes...

so if you'd like to do it once,
that's about it.

I'm ready. I know the whole thing.
Anytime you say.

- Just give me 10 minutes.
- I don't have 10 minutes, Mr. Clark.

He's ready, Mr. Walsk.
If you'll just stand right over there,
where everyone can see you.

- There.
- Where?

- There is fine.
- Over here?

How about over here?
The light is better here.

Don't worry about the light.
We're not shooting yet.

I can see you fine there.
You're the director.
I just thought that maybe
you'd like it better over there.

Give him the bag.
What's this?
It's the product, Mr. Clark.
The potato chips.

You got a fresher bag? This one is soggy.
Mr. Clark, I have three minutes left.
Do you want to do this or not?

He's only got three minutes.
I heard the man. I'm not deaf.
I'm a professional.

I'm ready whenever he's ready,
but the bag was soggy.

Okay, Mr. Clark, I'm ready.
Now, if you'll take a bite of the potato chip
and read the copy.

- The what?
- The copy.

They didn't give you the copy?
You didn't give it to him?

- The lines, Uncle Willy.
- The lines. Certainly.

Why didn't he say so?
I didn't know what the hell copy was.

You ready?
I'm ready. I swear to God I'm ready.
