The Sunshine Boys

- Sugar?
- Lf you got.

I got sugar.
- Would you like a cracker?
- What kind of cracker?

Chocolate, coconut, graham,
whatever you want.

- Maybe just a plain cracker.
- I don't have any plain crackers.

- I got chocolate, coconut, and graham.
- All right, a graham cracker.

- They're in the kitchen in the closet.
- Maybe later.

- I was sorry to hear about Lillian.
- Thank you.

She was a nice woman.
I always liked Lillian.

Thank you.
- And how about you?
- Thank God, knock wood.

I heard different.
I heard your blood didn't circulate.

Not true. My blood circulates.
I'm not saying everywhere,
but it circulates.

I've been lucky. I'm in the pink.
I was looking. For a minute,
I thought you were having a hot flush.

- Want some nuts?
- No, thanks.

Not allowed to eat nuts. Too salty.
- You know, Sol Burton died.
- Go on!

Who's Sol Burton?
You don't remember Sol Burton?
Oh, yes,
the manager of the Belasco Theater.
