The Wind and the Lion

It is the will of Allah.
I am but an instrument of that will.

It is the wind that passes,
but the sea remains.

A stitch in time saves nine.
Make your move.

What do you intend to do with us?
It is my intention to embarrass Mulay
Abd al-Aziz, the sultan to Morocco.

The tribesmen will see that he is the
bought dog of the European armies...

...a slave to French and
German masters.

The tribesmen will join me in a jihad
to abolish this foreign pestilence.

And this is your way, abducting women
and children, killing unarmed servants?

I prefer to fight the European armies,
but they do not fight as men.

They fight as dogs.
Men prefer to fight with swords
so they can see each other's eyes.

Sometimes this is not possible.
Then they fight with rifles.
The Europeans have guns that fire many
times promiscuously and rend the earth.

There is no honor in this.
Nothing is decided from this.

Therefore, I shall take women
and children when it pleases me.

What have you demanded
for our return?

...the head of the bashaw
in a basket of melons...

...the sovereignty of my people.
The English have paid
very well in the past.

You'll not have your way
with the Americans.

President Roosevelt will have
your head for this!

This President Roosevelt,
he would try and take it himself?

He certainly would. He is a man of grit
and strong moral fiber.
