Thiassos, O

I exercise Italian…
attacks our defending troops.
Located in the Albanian border, from the 5.30 in the morning.
of the 28 of October of 1940.
Ours I exercise is defended in Greek territory.
we dedicate the representation of tonight…
to this first part military sent by our troops.
And to the victory!
it arrives the day, the dawn.
it arrives the bright star. The sun caresses summits.
Nightingales sing. The partridges in the sources bathe.
But proud and slender partridges …
Gulf the beautiful one, does not come.
Already arrives!
Good morning, I appraise!
Good morning, Perdiz! For days my eyes have not been seeing you.
Good morning, Gulf.
Sees somebody Us?
Nobody, except mounts and the birds.
The birds!
That happens? That happens, Gulf?
This cannot be. The eagle?
scared the flight to You of an eagle.
