Thiassos, O

forced to take stones to Him.
did not hold.
Began to vomit blood.
took to the hospital.
the beatings began the dawn and stopped to the dusk.
tied, moved away from the othersÂ…
to prevent that we spoke.
we had the swollen feet, we could not wear.
In the morning, to work.
had stuck Me so much that could not walk.
a day, one I take hold a woodÂ…
and commanded to me to run.
to Only could drag me.
did not have been more than two weeks imprisoned.
the wood fell and I shouted.
the others contained the breathing.
was falling one by one.
Of a total of only 40 we were left 5 or 6 without declaring.
showed no mercy with us.
a dusk, I saw arrive.
had brought reinforcements.
Was like vultures.
We were outside, in an open of terrain.
surrounded to Us.
