Family Plot

Hitchcock used food
a great deal in this movie.

Like the hamburger scene
and the wig in the refrigerator.

I think part of that, again,
was because he

considered himself
a great gourmet.

I do know that he was
very punctual about eating.

If his food wasn't there at 12:00,
he'd ask W here's our food?"
"It's on its way, Mr Hitchcock."

I'd like to think that Hitchcock
was somewhat of a religious person.

From time to time, he would
talk to me about religion,

but he liked to poke fun
at religion a little bit.

And you'll see that in Family Plot
with the scene with the priest
and the children in the diner

and the kidnapping
of the priest in the church

in front of a full audience that
doesn't do too much about it.

- You think he's sick?
- The original title was Deceit.

And I believe Ernie Lehman
gave that title,

but it always was
a temporary title, he told me.

Eventually, it was Family Plot, and I
believe even the studio had suggestions.

But Hitchcock had long liked
single words for titles.
Notorious, Psycho, Frenzy -
all had single-word titles.

Family Plot was two words,
and he really didn't care for it,

but he could never come up,
nor could the studio come up,

with a single title.
Deceit, being the original title
of the screenplay, didn't work for him.

(Woman) My father still was active,
or wanted to be active.

But he also was suffering.
He had a lot of illnesses at the time.

And it was very hard.
It was hard, you know, when they
did the location and all that,

which he hated doing anyway because
he said it was such a waste of time.

(Sighs) Well, that's the end of that.
When I had one session with him
when we were talking about
