Family Plot

but had worked as only
Hitch's operator in the past,

not as a cameraman.
Some of the other key positions
were new.

But he liked to be comfortable.
But even though he worked
with these people,

there were very few
who talked to him.

(Man) Hitch had wanted to shoot
in San Francisco.

I had looked for two days
for this location,

for this spooky house on a corner
with a garage situation,
and the set was all lit.

So, up drives Hitch
with his driver, Ole,

and the window went down
just a little bit.

Hitch says, W hat are we doing here?"
So, I says, this is the exterior, and so on.

And he says,
Why are we doing it here?"

I said, "Hitch,
you wanted to do it here."

And he says, "Well, how do you
expect me to get a performance

out of my actors in this cold weather?"
And he said, "That's the trouble
with you young art directors."

He says, "You have no imagination."
"I think we'd better do it
back at the studio."

With that, the window went up,
and the car drove off.

So, the whole schedule changed.
- Mr Adamson?
- Watch him.

But anyway, we built the set,
and it was very nice.

Now, comes to the time
to shoot the set.

Hitch always drove
right on the stage with his car,

took six or seven steps to his chair
and now he says,
"This is more like it. This is nice."

"Well, do you like it?"
He says, "It's beautiful."

So I said, W ell, then, everything's
OK?" And he says, "Fine."

Well, I never stay with the company,
and once Hitch says it's OK,

or any director, I'm off, 'cause
I'm working ahead of the company.

And I'd taken about ten steps,
and Hitch says,

"Bummy, my friends
in San Francisco tell me

that of all the corners in San Francisco,
you picked the coldest."
"How did you manage?"
