Family Plot

Then at the end,
we have the car crash.

And the first thing you see
is the car is upside down,

and here's Barbara's head
peeking out of the top.

And then she's going
to try to get out of the car.

She starts climbing out,
and her foot is on my face,

'cause the car is upside down like that.
Well, that's just, you know. Hitchcock
said, W omen always walk on men."

"They walk all over 'em."
So, why not, you know?

Then I come underneath the car
with my head out that way,

and he said, "You be a worm,
and she'll be a bird."

Well, that's inventive.
(Devane) When I first met him,
he said, "William Powell."

I don't know if I could play
on that scale, anyway,

but I wasn't quite sure what he meant.
I knew he wanted it kind of light.
That's all he said to me was,
"William Powell."

Brilliant planning.
They don't have a single lead to follow.
And about three weeks into it,
at lunch one day I said to him,

"You know, Hitch, I assume
I'm doing what you want,

otherwise, you would tell me."
And he said, "Of course." That was it!
He didn't say anything else.
And when he was shooting,
he would say, "Cat's feet."

And you'd learn that
"cat's feet" means pause.

I have a scene where I say
something like "Merry Christmas."

And I said, "Merry Chris-" "Cut."
I said, "Hitch, wh-what are you doing?
I have to say 'Merry Christmas.'"

"No. No, Bruce.
Because when you say the 'mas,'

I'm going to be over here
so, we don't need to shoot it now."

So, when I tell directors
that on Family Plot

we only shot 1 10,000 feet of film,
period, and printed 55,000.
That's a two-to-one ratio on
a two-hour-and-20-minute movie.

Arthur Adamson.
What can I do for you gentlemen?

Sorry to bother you, Mr Adamson.
Andy Bush, Bureau of Inspectors,
and, uh, this is Lieutenant Peterson.

- Hi.
- My pleasure.

(Devane) I had directed a play called
Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been?
