La Casa dalle finestre che ridono

Yeah. Hurry up.
Go ahead... sit in the front.
- Must I go directly home?
- Would you like to get a drink?

No. They won't serve me.
They think I should

be drinking fruit juice.
Like I can't handle liquor!

Thank you.
The next one's on me.

Just tell me about Legnani.
- Right now?
- Yes.

The painter... he went to
Brazil with his mother

and 2 sisters,
to find their fortune.

When they returned,
they were apparently
wealthier than before they left,

but mother was dead.
They came back and built
that little house.

Excuse me.
- How did they live?
- What?

- How did they live?
- He was poor...

He borrowed from everyone...
Even though they had a fortune,

he had nothing. His sisters
controlled the money.

You know, I knew him.
