Le Locataire

"Outraged neighbor shoots
tipsy tenor...

for singing
La Tosca at 3:00 a.m.

Louis Marais, age 39, a bachelor
and traveling salesman...

came home at 3:00 in the
morning after one drink too many...

and proceeded to sing opera
with his windows wide open.

When a neighbor, Monsieur Pierrot,
expressed a wish...

that he put off his warbling
until somewhat later...

Monsieur Marais illustrated his
contempt for such a suggestion...

with an air from Tosca
delivered on the hall landing.

Pierrot reappeared with a gun and
emptied it into the poor tenor...

who died before the ambulance
reached the hospital.

The murderer is under arrest."
You there! Quiet down!
How much longer are you gonna
keep up this racket?
