Mikey and Nicky

I said, didn't you go
inside the theater?

No, I don't see what you mean, no.
What do you think they're planning...
to shoot you at a movie house?

If they were planning something,
that wouldn't be in a theater.

Warren. Warren!
Now, I want you to
do me a favor.

Don't do the job.
Look, I don't want to have
a misunderstanding with you.

I know I need a sale,
and I'm...

All right. I'm gonna check it out
right now. Is that all right?

That moron's got one idea in his head:
They're screwing me. That's all.

You know they're all paranoiac,
these guys.

Yeah, maybe.
But if they're not in the theater,
he may be right.

May I help you find a seat, sir?
No, that's okay.
I can find one.
Hit you.
How far you gonna drive me?
We gotta drive to a city
where there's an airport
