
Didn't I tell you that before?
I'm gonna kill myself.
Shit, Howard.
I'm gonna blow my brains out
right on the air...

right in the middle
of the seven o'clock news.

You'll get a hell of a rating,
I'll guarantee that.

Fifty share easy.
- You think so?
- Sure.

We could make a series out of it.
"Suicide of the Week."

Why limit ourselves?
"Execution of the Week."

"Terrorist of the Week."
They'll love it.
Suicides. Assassinations.
Mad bombers.
Mafia hit men.
Automobile smashups.
"The Death Hour."
"A great Sunday night show
for the whole family."

Lt'd put fucking Disney
right off the air.

Let's do the Lenin deportation
at the end of three.

- Strong enough to bump?
- At one, then.

I'll do a lead on Sarah Jane Moore
to May Berry in San Francisco.

The film I saw
was of the chief of detectives.

I think we've got ten seconds
on the shooting itself.
