
unless Beale is taken off the air.
Did you see the overnights
on the "Network News"?

It has an 8 in New York,
a 9 in L. A...

and a 27 share in both cities.
Last night, Howard Beale went on the air
and yelled "bullshit" for two minutes.

I can tell you tonight's show
will get a 30 share at least.

- I think we've lucked into something.
- For God sakes, Diana!

Are you suggesting we put that lunatic
back on the air yelling "bullshit"?

Yes, I think we should put Beale back
on the air tonight and keep him on.

Did you see the news this morning?
Did you see the Times?

We got press coverage on this
you couldn't buy for a million dollars.

That show jumped 5 points in one night.
Tonight's show will be at least 15.

We've just increased our audience by
20 or 30 million people in one night!

You won't get something like this dumped
into your lap the rest of your days.

You can't piss it away. Howard said
last night what every American feels.

He's tired of all the bullshit!
He's articulating the popular rage!

I want that show, Frank.
I can turn that show
into the biggest smash on TV.

It's a news show.
It's not your department.

I see Howard Beale
as a latter-day prophet...

a messianic figure inveighing
against the hypocrisies of our times!

A strip Savonarola
Monday through Friday...

that will just go through the roof!
And I'm talking about
a six-dollar cost per thousand show.

I'm talking about
130,000 dollar minutes.

Figure out the revenues of a strip show
that sells for $100,000 a minute!

One show like that could pull
this network out of the hole!

It's being handed to us on a plate.
Let's not blow it.

Tell him I'll be a few minutes.
- Let me think it over.
- Let's not go to committee on this.

It's 10:20. We want Beale in the studio
by 6:30. We don't want to lose momentum.

For God sakes, we're talking about
putting an irresponsible man...

on national television.
