
I said, "We're running
a news department here, not a circus.

And Howard Beale's
not a bearded lady.

If you think I'll go along with
this bastardization of the news...

you can have my resignation
along with Max Schumacher's.

- I'm speaking for Howard Beale and..."
- That's my job you're turning down.

I'd go nuts
without some kind of work.

What's wrong with being an angry prophet
denouncing the hypocrisies of our times?

What do you think, Max?
Do you want to be an angry prophet
denouncing the hypocrisies of our times?

Yeah, I'd like to be an angry prophet
denouncing the hypocrisies of our times.

Then grab it!
- Afternoon, Mr. Ruddy.
- Afternoon.

Good afternoon, Mr. Ruddy.
- He's waiting for you.
- Thank you.

Nelson Chaney tells me Beale
may actually go on the air this evening.

As far as I know,
Howard's going to do it.

- Are you gonna sit still for this?
- Yes.

I think Hackett's overstepped himself.
There's some kind of
corporate maneuvering going on.

Hackett is clearly forcing
a confrontation.

That would account for his behavior
at the stockholders' meeting.

However, I think he's making a serious
mistake with this Beale business.

I suspect CCA will be upset...
at Hackett's presumptuousness.
Certainly Mr. Jensen will.
So I'm going to let Hackett
have his head for a while.

He just might lose it
over this Beale business.

I'd like you to reconsider
your resignation.

I assume Hackett
wouldn't take such steps...

without some support
on the CCA board.

I'll have to go directly to Mr. Jensen.
When that happens, I'm going to need
every friend I've got...

and I don't want Hackett's people
in all the divisional positions.
