Robin and Marian

...the mighty Acre fortress fell to Richard.
His one great victory in the Holy Land.
He was sick in bed and never fought.
On August 20, John and I were standing
on the plain outside the city, watching...

...while every Muslim left alive
was marched out in chains.

King Richard spared the richest
for ransoming, took the strong for slaves.

And he took all the children
and had them chopped apart.

When that was done,
he had the mothers killed.

When they were all dead,
3,000 bodies on the plain...

...he had them all opened up...
:37:42 their guts could be explored
for gold and precious stones.

Our churchmen on the scene,
and there were many...

...took it for a triumph.
One bishop put on his miter
and led us all in prayer.

And you ask me if I'm sick of it.
Why didn't you come home then?
He was my king.
Come. Walk with me.
That's where the kitchen was...
...and over there we stored the ale.
And this...
Was this our house?
As small as that?
The door was here.
