
You want to dance, pay the band.
You want to borrow, pay the man.
I ain't emotionally
involved, understand?

Give me some money.
- There's 1 30 here.
- That's all...l'm broke...

Bob, you're still $70 light.
You don't have to break nothing.
Take my coat.
It's worth $50, $60.

Take the coat.
You should've planned ahead.
I'll tape the hand
like you broke the thumb.

You should have planned ahead.
Gazzo don't have to know.
He won't be wise to nothing.

Keep the coat. Keep...
He only had 1 30, but he's good
for the rest next week.

Sure, Rocky. Bob's good for it.
That's it for today.
Tomorrow, collect from Del Rio.
- He's late three weeks.
- Del Rio, three weeks.

How do you spell Del Rio?
- How'd you do last night?
- I did real good.

- Did you get the number?
- Of what?

The truck that run
over your face.

Pull over. I want to let
Rocky out and talk to him.
