
Get Buddy Shaw.
He's ranked fifth.

Went to California
and gained 50 pounds.

I got hold of every
worthwhile contender.

Five weeks isn't enough
time to get into shape.

Shape nothing. They're afraid.
Everybody in the world
will see this fight.

They don't want to be
the chump that gets whipped.

All I can say is
I'm a good promoter.

I've promoted fights
in every country in the world

but I don't know
what the hell else to do.

I do.
Without a ranked contender,
this fight needs a novelty.

This is the land of opportunity.
So Apollo Creed,
on January 1 st,
gives a local underdog
fighter an opportunity.

A snow-white underdog,
on this poster with me.

I'll tell you why -
because I'm sentimental.

So are a lot of other people
in this country.

They'd like to see Apollo Creed
give a local Philadelphia boy

a shot at the title.
That's the way I see it.
That's the way it's going to be.
Apollo, I like it.
It's very American.

No, Jergens, it's very smart.
What is it?
I just want to check.
Pick up 2 yards from Snyder
and a grand from Cappoli.

No, 2 yards from Cappoli
and a grand from Snyder.
