St. Ives

No, this is Procane.
Shall I or shall I not ask you
how you came by these burns?

I missed the elevator and had to slide down.
Such impatience.
Now, this will sting a little.
Where did you say?
Yes, I'll give him the message.
What is this with Procane
and the old movies?

Films really are dreams...
...especially old movies,
and Abner loves them.

They're good dreams for Abner.
They're splendid, splendid therapy.
You can remove this bandage tomorrow,
if you like.

I see you two have met.
Mr. St. Ives. A message.
Union Station, Wednesday, 10 a. m...
:28:53's room, first stall.
You're to bring the same Pan Am bag
as before.

First it was a Laundromat,
now a men's toilet.

Classy bunch of crooks. No imagination.
Or appreciation.
You've had an accident?
Goes with the territory.
Hey, where's Parisi?
- Who?
- Johnny Parisi.

Tell him it's Ray St. Ives.
I don't know him.
I'll wait.
