St. Ives

...belonging to some guy
living out in West L.A.

You remember anything else,
give me a buzz.

- Sure, sure.
- Ray St. Ives, Hotel Lido. Thanks again.

Hotel Lido. Hotel Lido.
You son of a bitch, you're no cop!
What did they do,
put the precinct in the hotel?

I'm running a business here!
- What will it be, pal?
- Give him some of that, Hesh.

The roast beef is very good today.
Relax, I'm paying.
Couple of knocks...
...some of the vegetables.
You look tired, Finley.

I think you need
some vitamins and minerals.

We almost forgot the beans.
Give him some beans. You like beans?

Sure, everybody likes beans. Come on,
Hesh, don't be a piker, more beans.

What else you got? Pie.
Give him a big slice of pie.
Apple. Apple pie.

There we go.
Now for something to drink. Tommy?

Nourishment's very important. We gotta
be careful what we put in the old furnace.

- Ain't you hungry?
- No, I had a big lunch.

But you go on. Dig in.
Something I wanted to talk to you about.
No, no, go on and eat.
- Just listen. I'll talk.
- All right.

Food like that should be eaten hot.
What's on your mind?
Your health.
Go on, eat, please.
I think it's very possible the guy that
killed Jack Boykins might try to kill you.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
You and Boykins stole some journals
from a guy in West L.A., right?

Drink this. Something's stuck.
