St. Ives

You are a very lucky hot dog.
Yeah, why is it when I win, I'm lucky,
and when I lose, I'm stupid?

Forty-eight-yard field goal
with three seconds left ain't lucky?

Hey, what about the paper?
I'll bring it back after I read it.
Mr. St. Ives?
Officer Frann.
You look different in civvies.
- Can I sit down?
- Sit, sit.

I'm on my day off.
Oh, I thought maybe you
might've been promoted.

- Oh, I'd like to be.
- Well, that's nice. I wish you a lot of luck.

- I've got a friend down at Homicide.
- What about him?

He let me look at the statement
you gave to Oller and Deal.

- So?
- It got me to thinking...

...that maybe you knew more about Boykins
than you told them.

You trying to bust
this case all by yourself?

That's right. I've never had
a murder one on my beat.

Well, I'm glad things are picking up.
It can give me a chance
to show what I can do.

Sound like you're trying to make detective.
Well, I don't wanna stay on motors.
- Think I can help?
- Yesterday at Union Station...
