Stay Hungry

See, the Junior League--
Which, by the way, Craig,
I'm no longer a member of--

The Junior League
teaches you to...

to respect and to love
all of God's little creatures.

Even this little thing here.
The boat's back.
I'm gonna ski the course, Joe.

That's a wonderful idea.
I think I'll go, too.

Why don't you stay here
and keep me company?

I think I'm going, too.
I'll see y'all later.

- What's the course?
- Slalom, downriver.

- Mind if I come with you?
- You know how?

I'll give it a try.
How'd you get so good?
I had to do something
to get out of Prattville.

Did you ski professionally?
Skied Cypress Gardens last year.
Best damn time I ever had.

You'll never get up on that.
Use this one.

All right. Why'd you quit?
I didn't. I broke my ankle.
Wait, Mary Tate.
Let me explain about Dorothy.

Hey, look. You don't have
to worry about me.

I won't mess
with your little lady.

That's not what I meant.
Then what did you mean?
Dorothy and l, we've been...
We've been friends
for a long time. This is--

Hey, Swamp...
that's a real pretty house
you live in.

I've been meaning
to tell you that.

To hell with the course.
Let's just ski.
