The Outlaw Josey Wales

Put the rifle down too.
- I'll need it for squirrels and such.
- Put it down.

IKind of young, ain't you, kid, to be
riding with this rabble?

Who you calling rabble,
you blue scumbelly?

Hell, we showed these boys, anyway.
Lee might have had to surrender,
but we didn't.

- Shut up, kid.
- Yes, sir.

You showed us.
Now get in line...
...before I kick you so hard you'll
wear your ass for a hat.

Here's the man you asked for, sir.
- Fletcher. Good to see you.
- Senator.

Well done.
Thank you.
What the hell is this Redleg
doing here?

You said regular federal authorities
would handle this.

Captain Terrill is the
regular federal authority now.

Captain Terrill is
a bloodthirsty son of a bitch!

He is a looter and a pillager!
He's those mers worst enemy!
The war's over.
Our side won the war.
Now we must busy ourselves
winning the peace.

And Fletcher, there's an old saying,
"To the victors belong the spoils."

And there's another
old saying, senator:

"Don't piss down my back and
tell me it's raining."

Which side is this man on, senator?
Easy. He brought them in, didn't he?
- All but one.
- Who's that?

Josey Wales.
