The Outlaw Josey Wales

Fletcher, I'm giving you a commission.
Hound this Wales to kingdom come.
Hound him, senator?
A man like Wales lives by the feud.
Because of what you did here today,
I've got to kill him.

He'll have to run for it now.
And hell is where he's headed.
He'll be waiting there
for us, senator.

Don't hold back on account of me.
I can ride.

I ain't holding back on account of you,
you thick-headed grasshopper.

If we ride in the open, there's enough
posses over in South Missouri...

:22:45 start another war.
And if we try riding
instead of thinking...

...we'll end up hanging by a rope
by nightfall.

Where are we headed?
The Indian Nations.
It's a good place to hole up
and get you healed up.

Then we'll go get Fletcher?
Right, boy.
Then we go back and get Fletcher.
There's some riders
coming up behind us.

Get down here, boy.
Lay across his neck.

IKeep him down there.
