The Outlaw Josey Wales

They say you're a hard-put
and desperate man.

They're going to heel and hog you
to a barn door.

You know what I say?
What's that?
I say that big talk's won'th

Now them poultices be laced with
feather moss and mustard root.

Mind you drop water on them
occasionally and keep them damp.

Much obliged, Grannie.
You can pay me when you see me again,
Josey Wales.

I reckon so.
That sure is a sweet sound
to the ears...

...wouldn't you say so, Mr. Wales?
Your young friend can use some help.
This is it. One dollar a bottle.
It works wonders on wounds.
Works wonders on
just about everything.

It can do most anything.
How is it with stains?
Here we go.
Dismount. Disembark, children.
Get that back!
Bring it back!
Bring that barge back!
Bring it back!
Whupped them again, Josey.
They're hollering for me to come over!
I can't hold on.
But I'll hold on until you fellows
get out of sight.
