The Outlaw Josey Wales

My name is Josey Wales.
I've heard of that name.
Some said you'd be headed this way.
And they said a man could get rich
on reward money...

...if he could kill you.
Seems like you were looking
to gain some money here.

Actually, I was looking
to gain an edge.

I thought you might be someone who
would sneak up behind me with a gun.

Where'd you ever get
an idea like that?

It ain't supposed to be easy
to sneak up behind an Indian.

I'm an Indian, all right.
But here in the Nation,
they call us the civilized tribe.

They call us civilized because
we're easy to sneak up on.

White men have been sneaking up
on us for years.

Cherokee, huh?
They sneaked up on us and they
told us we wouldn't be happy here.

They said we would be happier
in the Nations.

So they took away our land...
...and sent us here.
I have a fine woman...
...and two sons.
But they all died on the
Trail of Tears.

And now the white man
is sneaking up on me.
