The Song Remains the Same

Don't fucking talk to me. It's my bloody
act. I think I'll leave you anytime.

You couldn't even give them
a starting line.

Are you telling me you let...
It wouldn't happen in Europe!

I don't know how the guy got
in the building.

This isn't Europe or England.
I can see that. You're so inefficient!
- Somebody got it.
- Talk to me.

I'm the manager for this group.
You had people inside this building
selling posters...

...and you didn't know about it!
I didn't know about it. As soon
as we found out about it, we stopped it.

As soon as we found out about it
and told you, you stopped it!

All right, so you found out before I did.
How much kickback are you getting?
None. I knew nothing about it.
Come on! You don't know
what the concession is?

Your mate's selling the T-shirts
and making the deals.

And he told Richard about it also.
He came back, didn't he?

He does everything, doesn't he?
He does the security one night...

One night he's the guard
of the fucking dressing room.

That's fucking typical, isn't it?
As long as we screw an extra few bob
out of the group...

You really think I get something out of it?
You are the fucking controller!
That's like saying that anyone who jumps
on the stage, I'm responsible for, too.

Of course not. You're responsible
to see that the concessionaire...
