A Bridge Too Far

Bittrich's panzer troops
need some rest...

if they're to stop Patton.
We should pull them back
somewhere safe.

Safe, quiet, out of the way.
But where?

- I'll be in touch.
- That'll be fine.

Why the emergency meeting?
- Keeping abreast of the little changes.
- How big are the little changes?

I'll answer you with typical
British understatement: gigantic.

They can't get us
all in at once.

Too many men, too much equipment,
not enough planes.

It's going to take three days to get the
men into Arnhem, Poles and the British.

- How about us?
- We'll be all right.

Aside from the fact that we'll parachute
in daylight, we have no worries.

- Has it ever been tried before?
- Not in a major drop.

-Think there might be a reason for that?
-Let's hope not.

- What do you think?
- It'll be all right.

It's a "no moon" period anyway.
We have to go in daylight.

Just so they get us over
the target area, half a mile away.

Three-quarters of a mile--
I'll settle for that.

I don't want to hear anything else.
- Is there anything else?
- Well, you're my Dutch advisor, Harry.

I forgot to tell you something?
Only that the Germans first tried
to take Nijmegen Bridge themselves...

back in 1940,
and got slaughtered.

Go back!
Go back!
Do as I say!
But my friend lives
down the road.

It's my birthday
and she has a present for me.

Please let me through.
