A Piece of the Action

-You will work hard.

You will be watched and graded.
You will be a success.

-It'll take hard work and money.
-We got to finance this too?

Use your head. You're smart.
I know you're too smart to skip.

Happy days.
Just trying to clear the decks.
-You'll be ready to start tomorrow?
-Oh, yes. I think we have to.

Will 9:00 be all right?
-In the morning?

-Well, we do open at 7:30 for daycare.

-No, 9:00 will be fine.

I'll show you everything
tomorrow morning.

I must tell you, our job preparedness
program is where we need immediate help.

The juvenile court
assigned us 30 youths.

Not volunteers, mind you,
they are assigned. Ironic, isn't it?

Anyway, that program ends in three weeks
and we have not found one job...

...or prepared one kid
for taking and holding a job.

Oh, thank you.
How do you prepare your "poisson mousse"?

-Fresh salmon....
-We got to find him.

-And quick.
-Because I cannot get up at 9:00...

...for the next five years.
It will kill me.

There must be a connection between
him and that center. We start there.

That's where we start
in more ways than one, doctor.

I'll take it.
-What are you having?
-"Poisson mousse."

Poison moose.

To the center.
I think I'll have the chitterlings.
-"Au gratin."
