A Piece of the Action

Nice threads, baby.
Where'd you cop your goods?

-You mean, who his booster is, man.
-These are my threads and my booster.

Okay, big time, don't call the law on me.
I was just admiring your bad butt.

Get back to your seats.
Now, Mr. Durrell will be working
directly with you.

Oh, that's good.
He's ours and he's fine too.

Mr. Anderson will be working with
the companies we hope will employ you...

...when this program's over in three weeks.
So now let's all get acquainted, okay?

Miss French, if they gonna
torture us, I'm leaving.

Gerald, does the thought of being a success
really frighten you so much?

Now, I'm going back to my office
with Mr. Anderson.

Would you give Mr. Durrell
a little orientation?


We've been at it for six hours,
Thursdays and Fridays...

...for two months and--
I don't know, it's not working.

Well, are there any rules
and regulations we have to follow?

Oh, no. Anything we can come up with
to get them to seriously try.

They feel they're going to be rejected...
...so they protect themselves
with flippancy and hostility.

I don't know. Sometimes it's so difficult.
Why don't you take a break.
I could use some coffee,
but I'd better stay. I can wait.

-You take your coffee. I'll be all right.
