A Piece of the Action

Hello? Hello, who is this? Hello?
-Got him!
-Got him!

Now, I want him picked apart
from the day he was born.

We will find out something,
anything that will get him off of us.

I want him by the short hairs.
Give me a couple of days and you've
got him on a platter, short hairs and all.

Could you tell me where I could
find Miss French?

Right in there, miss.
City funded, yes, but the advantage is that
our kids are prescreened in the program.

Someone to see you, Miss French,
a Mrs. Quitman?

Yes, so they're already familiar
with your employee requirements.

And they want to work.
I'm Bea Quitman. I'm looking for
a Manuel Durrell. He's an old friend.

Manny's working in the field.
Would you like to leave a message?

I'm in from Copenhagen
just for the day.

I'm going to the Nash Corporation.
Hello. My name is Dave Anderson.
I work with Manny.

I got a bite on jobs 20 and 21
for the little gorillas.

-All right!

-I'm so disappointed.
-He'll be back by the end of the day.

Well, maybe I can get back later.
-It was nice meeting you.
-Nice meeting you.

$ 1.50.
