Annie Hall

Sometimes when l'm driving...
on the road at night...
l see two headlights
coming toward me, fast.

l have this impulse
to turn the wheel quickly...

head-on into the oncoming car.
l can anticipate the explosion.
The sound of shattering glass.
The flames rising out
of the flowing gasoline.

l have to go now, Duane, because
l'm due back on the planet Earth.

Don't let it be so long now.
- Look up Uncle Billy, promise.
- He is adorable.

- You'll take them to the airport now?
- No. Duane can.

- l haven't finished my drink.
- Yes, Duane is. l'll be right--

You followed me.
l can't believe it!

- l didn't follow you.
- You followed me!

Because l was walking a block behind
staring at you? That's not following.

- What's your definition of "following"?
- Following is different. l was spying.

Do you realize
how paranoid you are?

Paranoid? l'm looking at you, and you've
got your arms around another guy.

That is the worst kind of paranoid!
l didn't start out spying. l thought l'd
surprise you, pick you up after school.

You wanted to keep the relationship
flexible, remember? lt's your phrase.

You're having an affair
with your college professor!

That jerk that teaches that crap course,
"Contemporary Crisis in Western Man."

"Existential Motifs in Russian
Literature." You're really close.

What's the difference?
lt's all mental masturbation.

Now we're getting to a subject
you know something about.

Don't knock masturbation.
lt's sex with someone l love.

We're not having an affair. He's
married. He happens to think l'm neat.

Are you 12 years old? That's one
of your Chippewa Falls expressions.

Who cares?
