Cross of Iron

I did not have much time to
think about those French girls

Really? And you Keppler?
Did you enjoy the French girls?

On occasion
Sur le pont d'Avignon
on y danse, on y danse

Let me ask you a question,
Triebig you like soldiering?

Certainly, I like it, sir
but it's strange at times

It is indeed a very
different world

A world of danger
and a world of men

a world without women
hm, Keppler?

A world without women

Thank you
It's an old theory of mine
Men can get along without
women easily, easily I tell you

A man's true destiny is not
just breeding children

child birth, and chocolate
but to be free, to rule
and fight, in other words

to lead a man's existence women
are no more than nuisance

sometimes, sometimes necessary
I'm a solder, sir. If I have to
I can do without women

And you Keppler?
Can you do without women?

I do as I am ordered, sir
I like that! I like that answer
I do as I am ordered
I like that

What is your first name?
Josef, Josef

If it will help you I'll put your
thoughts into the right words

You prefer a society of men
to that of women
