Czlowiek z marmuru

Could I see you a minute?
This is private, because
I like you.

You don't like me, but I've
always liked you.

When you set that record,
I couldn't eat or sleep.

I've made you an example to my son.
I have one son, he has three names:
Jozef, Boleslaw, and Bartlomiej.

- Bartlomiej?
- After my father-in-law.

Since you like me, get lost.
I asked you once already!

I can't, the enemy lurks.
You don't understand and you're
causing a lot of trouble.

This is my personal advice...
leave it alone, it's a dirty case.
Bullshit!...I know Witek and
he's a decent guy.

But they call him, Wiktorio.

So what?!?! ...He was in Spain.
Is that bad?
Of course not, but where
was he after that?!?!

In France, in a POW camp.
You're young comrade, you don't
know how they recruited spies.

All the intelligence services
were sniffing around there.

They recruited him, he took his
time getting close to you...

then they told him to
give you the brick.

What brick?!?!
That brick, comrade Birkut!
Hop on, I'll take you home.
Mateusz, the train's leaving!
See you...When I get back, you'll
all sing a different tune!
