
What's he done? Dosed some
little girl's Pepsi with Spanish fly?

What could possibly have thrown
your court into such Tory convulsions?

He blinded six horses with a metal spike.

-All at once, or over a period?
-All at once, the night before last.

ln a stable over at Chalk Ford.
He worked there on weekends.

-What did he say in court?
-Nothing. He just sang.

-Martin, you've simply got to take him here.

You think this hospital is suitable?
How dangerous is he?

No, l mean, you personally.
Now look, Hesther,
before you say anything else...

l can take no more patients now.
l can't even cope with the ones l have.

-You must.

Thank you. Oh, for... Damn!
Hello, Pat?
My advice is, cancel her leave for a month.
See what difference that makes to her dad.

Now, why?
Because there's no one else
within a hundred miles of that desk...

who can handle him, and perhaps
understand what this is all about.

The regular hospital will be useless,
and so will the other doctors here.

-That's an unwarrantable statement.
-Well, it's true.

They'll be cool and professional.
Underneath, they'll be disgusted
and immovably English...

just like my court.
-What am l? Polynesian?
-Please, Martin.

-This is the last favor l'll ever ask of you.
-No, it's not.

He's obviously abominable.
l know that already.

Why me? Why, Hesther?
-There's something extraordinary about him.
-ln what way?

Terrible, if you like.
l don't quite know what l'm saying.
l just knew l had to come here.

Take him, Martin. lt's very important.
