
My name's Martin. Yours is Alan.
Won't you sit down?
For today, l just want a few simple facts.
ls this your full name? Alan Strang?
And you're 1 7, is that right? 1 7?
You work in an electrical shop
during the week.

Electrical and kitchenware.
Doub/e your p/easure, doub/e your fun,
with doub/e-good, Doub/emint gum

Let's see, you live with your parents,
and your father's a printer.

What does he print?
Doub/e your p/easure, doub/e your fun,
with doub/e-good, Doub/emint gum

Does he do leaflets, calendars?
Things like that?

Try the taste of Martini,
the most beautifu/ drink in the wor/d

/t's the bright one, the right one,
that's Martini

l wish you'd sit down to sing.
You'd be more comfortable.

There's on/y one T in Typhoo,
in packets and in teabags, too

Any way you make it,
you'// know that it's true

There's on/y one T in Typhoo
That's a good song.
l like that better than the other two.
Sing that one again.

Doub/e your p/easure, doub/e your fun,
with doub/e-good, doub/e-good....

Now, listen.
This is not a loony bin. lt's not a prison.
lf you behave yourself,
you'll have a reasonably all right time.

lf you don't, you'll be packed off
to a mental hospital...

and you'll find things much more restricted.
So it's up to you.

You'll be seeing me every day.
Your session will last exactly 45 minutes.
And l expect you to be absolutely on time.
All right?
