
/n fact, /'m officiating some
immense/y important ritua/ sacrifice...

on which depends the fate of the crops,
or of a mi/itary expedition.

The sacrifice is a herd of chi/dren...
about 500 boys and gir/s stretching
in a /ong queue, across the p/ain of Argos.

/ know it's Argos, because of the red soi/.
On either side of me stand two
assistant priests, wearing masks as well...

lumpy, pop-eyed masks...
such as were a/so found at Mycenae.
Enormous/y strong, these priests,
and abso/ute/y tire/ess.

As each chi/d steps forward, they grab it
from behind and throw it over the stone.

Then, with a surgica/ ski// that
amazes even me, / fit in the knife...

and slice elegantly down to the navel,
just like a seamstress following a pattern.

l part the flaps, sever the inner tubes...
yank them out and throw them,
hot and steaming, on the floor.

The other two then study the patterns,
as if they're reading hierog/yphics.

/t's obvious to me
that /'m tops as chief priest.

lt's this unique talent for carving
that's got me where l am.

The on/y thing is...
unknown to the others...
/'m beginning to fee/ distinct/y nauseous.
And with each victim, it's getting worse.
My face is going green behind the mask.
Of course,
l redouble my efforts to look professional...

cutting and snipping for all l'm worth...
main/y because / know that if those two
others so much as suspect my distress...

and the imp/ied doubt
that this repetitive and sme//y work...

is doing any socia/ good at a//...
then l'd be next over the stone.
Then, of course,
the damn mask begins to slip.

The priests both turn and /ook at it.
Their go/d pop-eyes
sudden/y fi// with b/ood.

They tear the knife from my hand, and...
l wake up.
