Islands in the Stream

Don't worry. As long as the kids
are here, it'll be locked.

why do you get into fights?
Oh, it's truth and right, Tom.
I keep hoping
that truth and right will win,

but then somebody comes along
and knocks truth and right on the ass.

- You hurt?
- No, I hurt, but I ain't hurt.

Hell, they were only trying to prove
that I was wrong.

About what?
Damned if I can remember.
How do you think the boys
will take seeing us, Tom?

- I don't know.
- I've got everything ready.

I put two extra cases of Coca-Cola
onboard this morning.

Be nice to have the boys again,
won't it?

After four years?
Eddy, there won't be nothing
like it since the big fire.

I rank it right along
with the Second Coming.

- Oh, yeah.
- You gonna have one at Mr. Bobby's?

You mind if I go along for one?
My liver's giving me hell this morning.

You still got a liver?
I had the last time I looked.
I don't wanna get the shakes.

Go home and go to bed, Eddy.
Tom, it is the queen mother's birthday.
I mean, 87 today

and still a wonderful woman.
I mean, a bit on the stiff side for me,

but still a wonderful piece, by God.
Go home, Eddy.
Dead. You're a hell of a shooter,

- Joseph, break out that Very pistol.
- Got it.

Tom, give us a toast to the queen,
an eloquent one.

All right.
