Islands in the Stream

--bring you the nightly broadcast of
Elmer Davis and the News.

Hitler, proclaiming that
the triumph over France

was the most glorious
victory of all time,

ordered a ten-day celebration
in Germany.

It doesn't make any sense,
me and Andy being here.

What kind of sense is that?
He doesn't care about us.
Oh, come on.
- German and Polish refugees...
- He's our father, isn't he?

- He's your father. It's different with us.
- Different?

What do you remember
about him, huh?

- Lots of things.
- Did he ever hit your mother?

- No.
- Well, he hit ours.

- I remember.
- So do I.

Boy, the fights they had--
You were too little to remember it.
Well, I remember Mom crying a lot.
I remember the night that he hit her,
and she screamed,
and how scared we were.

I remember all that, all right.
He was mean then.
He's nicer now, don't you think?

He hasn't changed.
Still a mean bastard.

That's what Mom always says.
Look, Dave, don't you know by now
that when two people get married,
they fight a lot?

Now, he just couldn't have done
anything that bad.

You weren't there.
You don't know him
like me and Andy know him.

Damn it, Davy, give him a chance,
will you?

Who did he ever give a chance?
Besides you.

Davy, you're a bastard sometimes.
Just because you're bigger,
don't call me names.

- Knock it off, Andy.
- You aren't my boss.

- I'm your older brother.
- Half brother.

- Oh, now you're gonna get it.
- Hey.

- All right.
- Don't.

What's going on here?
Well, we were...
Why, you little...
