
Please tell me what's the matter.
I don't want to be here, not with them.
- I hate them.
- Why?

They took me to see Cairo.
They told me how beautiful
Cairo would be, but it wasn't.

I said to my grandfather,
"Look at those people. They're hungry.

They're sick.
Why don't we do something?"

And he said, "Don't look at them."
I said, "But they're sick."
He said, "I didn't make them sick."
What about Paris?
What about Rome?

- You aren't listening!
- I am listening!

Where my mother lives,
the servants live under the ground...

18 people in three rooms,
no windows, one bathroom.

It's wrong. It's wrong, Lilly.
Do you understand?
I heard from Oxford, from medical school.
- I was accepted.!
- When will you go?

At the end of the summer.!
All ashore that's going ashore.
- You'd better go.

When are we gonna see each other again?
lt'll be so long.
Think of it this way... when we do
we'll have everything to talk about.

- All ashore that's going ashore.!
- Please write me.

You know I will.
