New York, New York

How about this one?
"Gee, that's a...

...swinging band."
Look. I don't mean to be rude.
really I don't.

but I do have friends.
and they are coming back.

so why don't you just leave?
Why don't I leave
as soon as they come back?

Why don't you just leave now?
If I leave now.
I'll never get to know you.

I'll never get to know what
a wonderful, beautiful chick you are.

I'm serious. Even though
I'm giving you a line. I'm serious.

- And I know you know that.
- I know that.

And I mean that from
the deepest part of my heart...

which is not too deep.
Look, why don't you just go
someplace else and try it again, huh?

All right.
Pardon me.
Was that fellow in the Hawaiian shirt
and the white pants.

was he disturbing you?
'Cause I know him.
I see him around. He's a little crazy.

No, he's not crazy.
He's just pushy.

Well, you know what
he said about you over there?

Stop it.
Look, all right.
all right, all right! Enough!

Look. I'm going to get serious.
When I walked in there
and I saw you.

I realized
I fought this war for a reason.

When I was in my foxhole.
when I was, like, not knowing
whether I would live or die.

in the mud, dirty.
who the hell knew...
I didn't know anything.

Is it all right? Take only
a minute of your time.

Now, when I walked in there.
I knew! I knew!

You knew what?
I knew that I wasn't
gonna get anywhere at this table.

Now I'm impressed.
Well. I guess a little small talk's
in order here now.
