New York, New York

Beautiful. Beautiful.
Hey. Pops.
are you Jimmy Doyle?

Want to play the blues?
Are you Jimmy Doyle?
You're the sax player, ain't you?
I'm a sax player.
but I'm not Jimmy Doyle.

Do you think it's possible
that you can communicate

with Jimmy Doyle
the sax player?

Depends on what
you want me to communicate.

I have a very important missive
for Jimmy Doyle.

- A what?
- A billet-doux.

- A billet-doux?
- A Billy who?

I'll elucidate.
A tender message
from a certain female party.

For me?
- For you.
- For him?

Take it. Doyle.
It's from Francine.
She said she had
a wonderful time.

Hey, wait. I'll be right back.
- Where you goin', baby?
- Be right back.

That girl ain't comin', is she?
- I'm getting her now.
- Ten minutes, or you're fired.

What do you care?
There's no one here anyway.

You had your jam session.
and now you're not coming back!

Hey, man, hold it.
Hey. Daddy, hold it, hold it.

Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?
- Did you read this letter?
- Of course not.

What do you think I am, crazy.
read letters?

- Your name is Tony Harwell?
- That's right.

- You're an agent?
- Yeah.
