Pumping Iron

But it just affected me more than,
I think, it would affect other people.

"Hey, four eyes, hey, cross-eyes."
"You got rusty fenders on your bicycle."
"Your bike isn't as good as our bike."
"Hey, Jew boy."
Or, "You're not Catholic,
so you're no good. "

I can remember times
when kids would be going to dances...

and I would leave a dance,
like, 11:00 at night.

I'd leave a dance for no reason
and say, "I'll show them."

And go and run on a track
for two or three hours.

Or go home and lift weights.
I got involved in all the peewee sports
most kids play, hockey and so forth.

Then when I got into high school...
and I made all-state
and all-American in football.

I was doing very well with the Jets
until I got injured.

That was my biggest thing, to go
on a football field and be so feared.

I wanted to be put in a cage
and rolled out, like in a circus.

Big bars with chains and everything.
And then just hope like hell...

that everybody would run off the field
when they saw me coming.

Let's give him a big welcome, Mike Katz.
In every contest I ever won...
or ever lost, I always got
the most applause...

and the people were most for me.
When I went to the Mr. Universe
contest in '72...

and in '73 and in '74...
I knew, even though
I didn't win the contest...

when I go to South Africa this year,
I'm sure the same thing is gonna happen.

The crowd is gonna be for me.
