Pumping Iron

It took me five years to win Mr. Connecticut.
It took me four years to win Mr. America.
This is my fifth year
that I've been trying to win Mr. Universe.

I'm not a quitter.
It's like a dog. You can kick a dog so long
and it will do two things.

It's either gonna roll over and die...
or it's gonna bite you and attack you.
And I'm the kind of person who's
the type of a dog who would bite back.

I wasn't gonna roll over and quit.
19, 16, 17, 16, 17.
Next one, 18, 18, 17, 18, 18.
- 83.
- 83? That can't be right.

It's a nine, yes.
17, 13, 16, 14, 11.
That's a four.
Yes, 13, 16, 14, 11.
- Total.
- 62.

Will the following gentlemen step forward?
They are the three finalists,
not necessarily in order.

Ken Waller, USA.
