Pumping Iron

Okay, Louie.
No, listen.
When you come out here
and you're out here...

Right? They're all waiting for you, Louie.
They wanna see what you got,
they've never seen you before.

You tense your legs, right?
Then you look at the crowd.
They're all looking at you.
Flashbulbs going off and all.

Then you put your arms like this.
You look at your arms
like you're admiring, right?

You're admiring what you're gonna
show them. And then you go...

Boom! Like you're saying:
"Take a look at this hunk of man."
Something like that. You try it now.
Look up, that's right.
That's it. No, down here, Louie.
I told you, look at your arms down here.
Look at both arms.
- Both arms?
- Right.

That's it.
Atta boy.
Now hold that pose.
Because remember,
your arms are bigger than Arnold's.

They wanna see them, right?
They have never seen your arms.
They've seen Arnold's.

So hold that pose a while.
And I say, this pose,
just tilt your body a little...

because people on this side of the theater...
and people on this side wanna see you.
So tilt your body just slightly like this.
Try that, Lou.

Atta boy.
You have to do everything possible to win.
You know, no matter what.

The day of the contest,
if he comes in his best shape...

and he's equally as good as I am...
or if, let's say,
he's a few percent better than I am...

I spend with him one night.
I go downstairs
and book us together in a room...

to help him for tomorrow's contest.
that night...
he will never forget.
