Saturday Night Fever

Are you? Are you as good in bed
as you are on the dance floor?

He never made it in a bed.
Watch this. This isn't my regular
partner, but you'll see.

- What are you going to have to drink?
- "77".

Where is she?
So, when is Connie going
to get her answer?

- You know, Connie?
- Yeah?

If you're as good in bed as you are on
the dance floor, you're one lousy fuck.

Why do they always send
flowers the next day?

Some guys don't know a lousy fuck.
Or maybe they thought you were dead!

Father, listen.
My girlfriend is such a good Catholic,
she says she loves Communion wafers.

- Mr Manero, can I talk to you?
- What's he doing?

Forget this!
Give the kid some room.
He's taking over again!
