Saturday Night Fever

Frank, how come you left, really?
It`s not easy to explain, Anthony.
A lot of things.

One day you look at a crucifix, and
all you see is a man dying on a cross.

But that`s only a backdrop
to something else.

Mama and Papa,
their dreams of pious glory.

They turn you into what they wish
at the time.

You can`t defend yourself
against their fantasies.

All I ever really had any belief in
was their image of me as a priest, so...

I guess we`ll have to take your picture
down from the mantle.

You know what`s weird? I always felt
I was the shit and you were perfect.

Now that l`m the disgrace to the family,
l`m not so perfect any more.

So maybe you`re not shit any more.
Yeah, maybe if you`re not so good,
then l`m not so bad.

- Give me the groceries.
- Don`t take my groceries. Come on!

- Don`t eat the apple. Give it back.
- Here.

Jesus! What`s the matter with you?
What are you doing?

My brother quit the Church.
I feel wild. l`ve got all this energy!
l`ll call you tonight, all right?
See you later, Gus!
